Personality Check

We have for many years successfully offered our personality check process to a diverse range of clients, they use this tool regularly as a source of 2nd opinion in relation to recruitment or for the carrying out of strengths/weaknesses analysis for professionals and management employees.

With your candidate we will carry out a personality evaluation process based on best practice as well as diverse ability tests which are suitable for the position in question. We are happy should you wish to carry out additional cognitive processes to complement this evaluation. All test processes take into consideration related norm and best practice groupings which will guarantee the reaching of a concise assessment statement.

We evaluate the results taking into consideration your requirements and/or the questions you would like to ask. You will receive from us a multi-page, individually created professional opinion which we will discuss with you to make clear statements in relation to potential, as well as recommendations for development. In the recruitment area we will concentrate in a focused manner on the job profile provided.

Should you wish, we will accompany you through the ongoing recruitment process of the client using clear test result based questioning techniques, these can as an objective and neutral second opinion be particularly valuable to you in the end round of a selection process. In this way you will again receive important answers which can be a crucial support in the final decision making process. In the case that you use this complementary offer, i.e in a case where you have the (final) 2 potential candidates and wish to examine them through your recruiting process then with this personality check you will receive a good objective comparison of the candidates.


Your candidate will receive from us an invitation mail with links to the test process defined by you. The candidate can carry out these tests in a time and location independent way. All tests can be carried out in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

We evaluate the results in relation to your requirements and we will create a written individual expert opinion report in either German or English.

We will then discuss the results achieved either by telephone or in person as you would prefer.

Finally, the candidate will also receive a feedback from us concerning their result.

Should you wish we offer the option of accompanying you through the recruitment process with a clear test result based manner of questioning or also of the creation of personal development recommendations for your internal candidate in the form of coaching

The personality check is a particularly concise, significant, as well a low cost offer which has been highly appreciated and used intensively by our clients for many years.

Your contact for this service is:

Urs Steffen

Steffen & Partner llc

Scheuchzerstrasse 64

CH-8006 Zürich

T +41 (0)44 260 10 40